Common Garden Fencing Installation Mistakes

If you’re thinking of installing garden fencing then this post couldn’t have come at a better time. You don’t want to be paying a second time, following your initial investment, with damage limitation due to poorly installed fencing. We’re going to be looking at the most common garden fencing installation mistakes and we hope you find it useful.

The Materials

The materials you use could be the biggest problem if you haven’t thought it through properly. If you’re paying less you may think you’ll save money in the long run but this is a false economy. You won’t get the same quality and this may affect the strength and safety of your current fencing. Make sure you shop carefully for materials and if in doubt ask a professional, such as ourselves. You want something that’s going to give you longevity.

Treating Wood

You will need to treat the wood before you install it as you would with most wood-based items unless they already come treated. Wood can quickly become quite problematic if it’s not, as it can become quite porous, soaking up rain and moisture until it starts to rot. Insects can also burrow their way into the wood, eating it from the inside. Pressure-treated solutions are best, followed by sealants.

The Height of Garden Fence Posts

You’ll need to consider the height of the fence posts, and you also need and take into account the bit that goes into the ground, as they will need to be anchored into the earth. If you do your homework you shouldn’t have any problem once the winds and rain arrive.

Fencing That’s Fit For Purpose

Whether you’re looking for privacy against nosy neighbours or a fence that can withstand weather conditions when you live somewhere that’s really quite secluded, you don’t want to waste your money or your time. If you’re concerned about privacy you may want a fence that’s tall so you can avoid seeing foot traffic or neighbours. Perhaps you want something taller but you wind up with a  smaller picket fence by mistake.

These types of mistakes are hard to rectify and waste time and resources trying to replace them and get your money back. Think about what you want your fence for, what type of garden you have, the materials you’ll need and how tall or short you need your fencing to be. By thinking carefully before you buy, you could end up with something better and far more useful in the long-term that will serve your needs than if you were to buy in haste.

Brians Garden & Fencing Services - Quality Garden Fencing Installation

If you’re looking to buy garden fencing why not come to us, we can even install it for you if you feel it’s not really something you want to attempt yourself. We can advise and guide you on what’s best for your garden needs and find something for you that meets your budget. Contact us today.

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