Ways to Use Sleepers in Your Garden

There are so many beautiful ways you can use sleepers in your garden that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps you’ve heard people talk about sleepers and how much of a difference they’ve made to their gardens. Now, after some careful thought, you’re on the brink of investing in some, but you may be looking for reasons to be convinced of their usefulness. 

This blog post is going to be covering this with some useful ways to use sleepers in your garden. Once you’ve taken a look, hopefully, you’ll be convinced of their usefulness and be surprised at the different ways they can be used, and consider investing in some for your garden.


Did you know that sleepers are a great way of providing a pathway through your garden? If you make the thinnest of shards of the sleepers, you can place them in the pathway. It gives a lovely classic country garden style appeal and is a nice alternative to rounder stones. They could also be painted to give a sharper more modern look if this is something you were looking to do. 

Short walls and perimeters

You can also create a short wall around the perimeter of a smaller garden so as to add shape and symmetry. This can be dramatic when combined with different or same coloured flooring and filled with sophisticated garden furniture pieces. 

Benches, chairs, stools, sleepers with versatility and practicality

You can create furniture pieces from the sleepers themselves, the first and most obvious would be a bench, followed by a couple of chairs even or simple stools. You can use small ones or more chunky shapes and go for a sleek and sophisticated appearance or possibly something with a more rough and weathered feel. You can sand them smooth and varnish or leave them to look a little used and rough. It all depends on what kind of look you’re going for. 

Shape and height in your garden

You can use sleepers to create shape in your garden as we’ve already seen or they can be used to raise it and provide steps and areas to place plants. You can use them to create shelving to place drinks, books or plates when you’re entertaining. This leaves you with less clutter and more room to move around. 

Garden Sleeper Installation Experts

If you think you have more questions about what we’ve talked about, why not get in touch with us here at Bryan’s Garden & Fencing Services. We can talk to you about sleepers, fencing or any other garden related query. We’re always here to help with any questions, so call us.

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